Most people know that acupuncture involves needles placed at various points in the body. Needles are placed strategically and with great intention and care for the purpose of recovering balance to the body. In Chinese Medicine, the body is understood to be an expression of the meridian or channel system which is the way the body operates and is organized. These channels are responsible ultimately for regulating the body and maintaining balance. When there are imbalances to these systems, people perceive this as symptoms, such as any kind of pain, or anything that makes us feel unwell. When things are flowing better in the channels, we perceive this as feeling very good. It is our aim through acupuncture to bring optimum wellness to the body through reducing imbalances.
Through acupuncture, we stimulate and regulate the body along these meridians or channels. The meridians pass through not only the various organ systems, but also every aspect of the body such as muscle, tendon, and bone. Because we can access the different parts of the body through the meridian system, we can be successful treating a wide variety of conditions. In our experience people often are not familiar with the wide variety of conditions that Chinese Medicine can successfully treat. There are many lists from Institutions such as the World Health Organization that can help people understand the uniquely wide range of treatable conditions using these methods.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbal medicine draws upon thousands of years of empirical research to deliver a highly effective and extremely personalized solution to your health issues. Chinese herbs are blended into formulas which are modified to address a patient’s specific constitution, illness and lifestyle. In our clinic, we are highly trained in the use of Chinese herbs to address a variety of health conditions including, but not limited to:
- Infertility
- Menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain
- Insomnia
- Anxiety/depression
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Gas and bloating
- Urinary incontinence
- Headaches and Migraines
- Low energy
There are generally no side-effects reported with Chinese herbalism when it is administered by trained Chinese herbalists. At Perfect Point Acupuncture, we have completed over 3000 hours of training in Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Herbs are usually dispensed as either customized granular formulas or in pill form.
Moxabustion is a warming technique using small amounts of finely ground mugwort plant. Moxa is stimulating to the immune system, strengthens the yang energy of the body, and helps move blood and qi and heals chronic aches and pains. It can be applied in a variety of ways. It is used for a variety of conditions, such as pain, digestive issues, low energy, insomnia, menstrual issues, and, somewhat famously to help turn breech babies.
Food Therapy
As a part of our treatments we sometimes provide Chinese dietary advice. We find that the Chinese dietary therapy is often a crucial element in the treatments. Many patients are quite surprised to learn that the types of foods and drink that are usually considered to be healthful in the Western world are generally not advised in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) model. For example, we often advise patients to drink warm or at least room-temperature water several times per day instead of cold water. Most people find that with just this switch, digestion and energy improves. Depending upon the patient’s main complaint and interest, we may incorporate more or less Chinese dietary advice into our treatment.
Tuina Massage
Tuina is a type of Chinese medical massage that has been used in China for centuries to improve circulation, reduce pain and bring the body back into proper alignment. In our clinic, we often use tuina as a complement to our acupuncture treatments to further loosen up muscles, and remove blockages that cause pain and to improve mobility. We were trained in a specific and very powerful type of tuina called Zheng Gu Tuina. We have each been practicing Tuina medical massage for over 7 years and we have found it to be highly effective both on its own and in combination with acupuncture.