Trained at one of the very finest Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine institutes in the world, we specialize in diagnostics. We believe that the foundation of excellence in Chinese Medicine lies in identifying exactly why a certain condition is manifesting in your body at this particular moment. To this end, we have studied with some of the best Chinese medicine diagnosticians in the world to learn how to read your channels and understand what your body needs. Whether that is a simple tune up of your acupuncture channels, moxibustion, core synchronism, specific stretches, microcurrent, or Chinese herbs, it will be included in your treatment.

We had the great fortune of attending acupuncture school at the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine. This small institute is unique in its selectivity of both applicants and teachers. As an extremely rigorous apprenticeship-style school, SIEAM is considered by many to be the best acupuncture school in the world. While there, we had the privilege of learning from some of the leaders in the field of Chinese Medicine such as Dan Bensky, DO, Craig Mitchell, PhD., and Steven Brown, L.Ac.

Sarah Nelson Ferst

Sarah has had a lifelong interest in natural medicine and was trained in acupuncture and herbal medicine under some of the leading acupuncturists in the world with training in China, Japan and Taiwan. She is also an avid yoga practitioner and student of meditation. Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, Sarah worked in several health and wellness venues across the country including the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. Sarah holds a B.A. degree from Middlebury College in Vermont. In her spare time Sarah loves to hike, practice yoga, read and spend time with her little girls and her husband.

Kevin Ferst

Kevin is originally from the Cleveland area. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Kent State University in Philosophy and a Master’s degree in Library Science. A lifelong interest in natural health eventually led him to become an acupuncturist. After Kevin spent a year learning the macrobiotic lifestyle and nutrition at the Kushi Institute and the Omega Institute, he relocated to the Pacific Northwest to train as an acupuncturist at the world renowned Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine. Since being in practice, Kevin's professional interests have evolved to include frequency specific microcurrent and a gentle system of bodywork called core synchronism. He also founded, a company that produces artisan glass cupping supplies. In his spare time, Kevin loves the outdoors, to read, cook, study Western astrology and spend time with his two young daughters and with his wife Sarah.

Sarah Nelson Ferst

I couldn't have had a better experience here. I have had weekly acupuncture treatments over the last 10 years at many health centers in New York City- and none of them can compete with the incredibly thoughtful and thorough treatment I received here. Not only did I feel immediate relief from my migraines, but I also enjoyed the treatment itself as a relaxing and meditative experience. This center is a wonderful addition to the community! I have had weekly acupuncture treatments over the last 10 years at many health centers in New York City- and none of them can compete with the incredibly thoughtful and thorough treatment I received here.

Audrey E.

They will meet and exceed your acupuncture needs! Sarah was able to effectively address several issues I was having, but she especially helped with my chronic pain issues. I experienced exceptional pain relief under her care. I am forever grateful for her knowledge, professionalism, and her caring and compassionate spirit! Becoming a client, under her care, was one of the best decisions I've ever made!

Lori H.

I have to say that both Sarah and Kevin have provided excellent treatments for me. I have had many issues that they have dealt with. I have CFS and Fibromyalgia which is my main reason for seeking their help. But I also have had other issues including insomnia, joint pain, stomach issues and nervous system problems. I have been amazed at the results I have gotten. Kevin & Sarah are so accurate on how they determine what is needed to help you.

Sandy G.

I cannot thank you enough. You and acupuncture are healers. When I think of all of the medicines I have tried (and their side effects) that didn't work and how soon I felt relief with you, I would have tried acupuncture sooner. Wow!

Jenny A.