Trained at one of the very finest Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine institutes in the world, we specialize in diagnostics. We believe that the foundation of excellence in Chinese Medicine lies in identifying exactly why a certain condition is manifesting in your body at this particular moment. To this end, we have studied with some of the best Chinese medicine diagnosticians in the world to learn how to read your channels and understand what your body needs. Whether that is a simple tune up of your acupuncture channels, moxibustion, core synchronism, specific stretches, microcurrent, or Chinese herbs, it will be included in your treatment.
We had the great fortune of attending acupuncture school at the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine. This small institute is unique in its selectivity of both applicants and teachers. As an extremely rigorous apprenticeship-style school, SIEAM is considered by many to be the best acupuncture school in the world. While there, we had the privilege of learning from some of the leaders in the field of Chinese Medicine such as Dan Bensky, DO, Craig Mitchell, PhD., and Steven Brown, L.Ac.