Got that heavy feeling?

By July 17, 2023Uncategorized

The humidity and incessant rains have many of us down.  One explanation for that, other than the obvious (it’s too hot and it’s raining too much) involves ancient Chinese thought on what we call “external” qi.  Interpreted with a modern view, this is how the weather affects us.  And it certainly does!  There are plenty of people who, in damp weather like this, feel worse in the joints, heavier, and sluggish.  There are a variety of “external” weather patters that were discussed in the classics of Chinese Medicine, notably cold, but also heat, dryness, damp, and DAMP HEAT.  The combination of dampness (humidity) and heat combine to form a unique external qi.  Now, a perfectly healthy and balanced person should normally be able to live through this all without much trouble.  But, based on our own personal health, the way our energy and physiology moves and processes things, we may be less than optimal.  So, this is one way that we look at things.  Perhaps, you may be coming in for back pain that started a few weeks ago but wasn’t related to an accident or fall.  Therefore, based on the recent weather patterns, it may come to mind that there is underlying dampness or internal heat in you, such that the addition of external dampness or heat makes you feel much worse.  Of course there are some people who feel fantastic in this weather.  This is why Florida is so popular.  Often, these are the people who feel cold inside all the time.  To them, the intense heat feels great, since it is a kind of replacement for lost yang energy.  These are just some off the cuff observations on weather and health from a Chinese Medicine perspective.